University of Oxford

Dr John Ingram (Lead Academic and Programme Leader)

Trained in soil science, John gained extensive experience in the 1980s working in Africa and Asia in agriculture and forestry research projects. In 1991 John was recruited by NERC to help organise, coordinate and synthesise research on global change and agroecology, part of IGBP’s international global change research programme. In 2001 he was appointed the Executive Officer for the international research project “Global Environmental Change and Food Systems” (GECAFS). John now oversees the Environmental Change Institute’s Food Programme which aims to enhance the efficiency of food systems to improve food security while minimising environmental impacts. See here for more about John.

Dr Saher Hasnain (Education Coordinator)

Trained as an environmental scientist, Saher has conducted research on food systems and environmental health in urban areas. For her doctoral research at Oxford, she examined the influence of factors such as energy system disruption, urban design, and regional and global food system transformation on food environments in urban Pakistan. She is currently also the Research and Community of Practice Coordinator for the Foresight4Food Initiative. The Initiative is focused on developing a mechanism to better understand and synthesise key trends and possible futures in global food systems and to support informed and strategic decision making between food systems stakeholders. Previously, she has worked on exploring environmental health issues through photovoice and mapping at the University of Pennsylvania, and the development of national energy management cultures at Bahria University, Pakistan.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Dr Arli Zarate, Lead Academic, LSHTM:

Arli joined LSHTM in 2022 and is working on the project Accelerating Behaviour Change towards Sustainable and Healthy Diets in Europe (ABC-SHEADE). Her research focuses on describing how diverse groups of people transition towards plant-based diets and the socioeconomic and societal drivers associated with these transitions. In May 2022, Arli completed her PhD on iron deficiency and depression among adolescent girls at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Royal Veterinary College

Dr Barbara Häsler, Lead Academic, RVC:

Barbara originally trained as a vet, specialised in animal health economics, and is now working as a Lecturer in Agrihealth. She has a strong interest in applying interdisciplinary approaches to better understand food systems and how changes in those impact on food safety and food security and to improve the wellbeing of people and animals through better resource allocation. See here for more about Barbara.

Dr Niko Dadios, Education Coordinator (job share):

Niko graduated as a vet in Greece in 1996. After some time in clinical work he moved to the UK in 2001 to work as Official Veterinarian in the supervision of meat producing establishments. In 2003 he completed his MSc in Food Technology and Quality Assurance at the University of Reading. Since then he has worked in technical management in the meat industry.  Niko has worked in research projects at the RVC, including one leading to the modernisation of the meat inspection regulations in the EU.  He is the author of a number of publications.

Dr Louise Whatford, Education Coordinator (job share):

Louise graduated from the University of Bristol with a BSc in Animal Behaviour and Welfare. In 2019 she completed a PhD in epidemiology and microbiology that was interested in increasing our understanding of mastitis in sheep and developing strategies for its control. This has led to her interest in agriculture, livestock health and welfare and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle questions. She is currently working at RVC, investigating sustainable and healthy beef and sheep food systems in Great Britain.

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) 

Dr Annabel de Frece, Lead Academic SOAS:

Annabel is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Development in the Centre for Development, Environment and Policy. at SOAS  Annabel has tutored and authored CeDEP modules for 15 years. Prior to directing the MSc Sustainable Development, she held a post as Senior Teaching Fellow in the Centre for Food Policy at City University. Annabel has worked with the University of Accra, IPB University, Bogor, and Makerere University, Kampala in delivering food systems education and she continues to collaborate with these institutions.

University of Reading

Dr Maria Jose Oruna-Concha, Lead Academic:

Jose is an Associate Professor, with a  Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). She has over 20 years’ experience in the area of Food Chemistry and is the module convenor for the New Product Development Module for the final year students at the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences at UoR. Her principle research areas are chemical composition of foods, valorisation of waste/by-products from the food industry and flavour-sensory analysis. She has published over 50 original research papers and held grants from Innovate UK, GCRF, EU, BBSRC DTP and worked with major food companies.

University of Warwick

Prof Rosemary Collier, Lead Academic:

Rosemary trained as an entomologist and has worked on the pest insects of horticultural crops for many years. She is Director of Warwick Crop Centre and an Academic Lead for the Warwick Global Research Priority (GRP) on Food. Her main research interest is in the development and application of Integrated Pest Management strategies for horticultural crops. Rosemary is also interested in the wider aspects of food production and consumption and in recent years has collaborated with colleagues from a range of disciplines (sociology, geography, statistics, engineering, theatre studies) on projects associated with food and food security. See here for more about Rosemary.

IFSTAL Programme Office (Oxford)

Roger Sykes, Food Systems Programme Manager: 

Roger holds a BA in Human Geography from the University of Reading and an MSc in Gerontology at Kings College London. He previously worked in policy and research roles for the Local Government Association and the Audit Commission. Roger’s role involves day-to-day management of IFSTAL by providing support to team members; liaising with consortium partners and funders on administrative, financial and contractual issues; organising summer schools, workshops and meetings; and supporting the Programme Leader. See here for more about Roger.

Rosina Borrelli, Workplace Engagement Lead: 

Rosina Borrelli has a background in change management consultancy and food education with a first degree in European Business with Technology and a mid-career Master’s in food. She has worked in a variety of areas of the food system including hospitality, manufacturing, retail and FMCG. Her most recent experience is with the Children’s Food Trust, the National Childbirth Trust and Slow Food where she specialised in early years food education. She has tri-sector experience and therefore brings a wide range of workplace skills and understanding to the programme. She is passionate about effecting change through your work-based learning experiences and your eventual options and choices after graduating. She connects the food sector with the programme and raises awareness of the value and uniqueness of IFSTAL participants while looking for possible and exclusive opportunities.